Wednesday, December 24, 2008

'Yoga Basics' @ Discovery Yoga.

I'm new to the Yoga scene. As a bit of an acolyte of Andrew Weil, MD, I've long learned of the benefits of mind-body medicine. Through his extensive library of CD offerings through Sounds True recordings, I have explored Breathwork, Guided Imagery, Self-Hypnosis, Meditation and Music Therapy. All were worthy explorations that I recommend to everyone. All serve to influence the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) balance infavor of the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS - the Rest and Digest branch) over the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS - the Fight or Flight branch). These techniques only require the daily discipline to practice them. Only 15-20 minutes a day is a good practice.

What makes Yoga and T'ai Chi even more valuable is that they, too influence ANS balance toward the PNS, but do so with the combined benefit of physical exercise. They are the wedding of movement and meditation, so the benefits are doubled. I hope you will consider Yoga for the new year. Suzanne's class at Discovery Yoga is one of the best, anywhere. You just learn a few poses each week, take them home, practice them, then learn a few more. By the end of the course you have learned an entire program that you have been gently guided through. Plus you can stop and ask questions, too. What is your experience with Yoga? How about T'ai Chi? Or Mind/Body Medicine? Please share at the comment link below. Peace.


somepinkflowers said...

airborne matt,
are you giving up
the blogging life?

are you on holiday??

things take a while
to blossom
out here.


hope you will continue on.....

{{ st.aug needs
all the enlightenment
it can muster,
don't you think? }}

Unknown said...

Great interview! I know Suzanne and she is a fantastic person. Hope to see more of her on your show!

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